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Who we are

The Horse Prayer is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization established in July 2017. The board of directors worked hard to build community relationships, seek out volunteers, fundraise, solicit donors, identify and obtain horses that met the requirements for our program, gained experience by participating in similar equine-assisted learning (EAL) facilities in WA state,  completed staff training and certification, and prepared the horses for their work.

The Horse Prayer opened its doors to eager students in the fall of 2019. The season kicked off with a day camp that was held in collaboration with Kim Iverson and Summit Pacific Medical Center. Students and families gave positive reviews which fueled the hope for our future.


Follow us on FaceBook and visit our website often to see al that we have to offer your friends and family. Help us spread the word about this great opportunity, and support us as we empower children and change lives.

Find out how you can be involved with The Horse Prayer by clicking a box below.

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The Horse Prayer began as a dream. It was sponsored and was able to grow over the last few years into a thriving Equine Assisted Learning program for children of all ages. Our initial mission remains the same "To support and empower individuals with disabilities through equine assisted activities." We are able to accomplish this mission because of the ongoing support of our community.

We are supported by community sponsors, grants we receive, and fundraising. These funds provide all of the operational needs of THP and allow us to offer participant scholarships. It is our desire to make our programs accessible to all families, regardless of financial status.  We determine scholarship eligibility using the National Poverty guidelines. Each of our board members, staff, and community volunteers gives their time freely to our programs. 

​What makes us different from other non-profits? The main way is that our programs utilize live animals. Part of the operational budget includes the feed and care for our horse team. As the only "paid staff", these special equine assistants are the heart of our organization. Without them, we would have nothing to offer. By sponsoring them, you are supporting the mission to empower individuals with disabilities through equine-assisted activities.

How we are supported

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